• Valentines Shopping for a Book, Coffee or Tea Addict

    Over the past few years Valentines day has been morphing from a greeting card invented holiday about romance, to celebrating the platonic love. Life moves fast, and it’s easy to forget to tell those most important that they are loved. The day of red hearts and mushy stuff doesn’t have to be that way! Get…

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  • Book Review: Smoke City by Keith Rosson

    Book Review: Smoke City by Keith Rosson

    Smoke City Keith Rosson Published by: Meerkat Press Publication date: January 23rd 2018 Genres: Adult, Magical Realism Marvin Deitz has some serious problems. His mob-connected landlord is strong-arming him out of his storefront. His therapist has concerns about his stability. He’s compelled to volunteer at the local Children’s Hospital even though it breaks his heart…

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  • Book Review: The Girl Without Magic

    Book Review: The Girl Without Magic

    The Girl Without Magic Megan O’Russell (The Chronicles of Maggie Trent, #1) Published by: Curiosity Quills Press Publication date: January 9th 2018 Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult Death would have been easier, but the Siren wasn’t through with her. Seventeen-year-old Maggie Trent fell out of a battle and into the Siren’s Realm, a land where secrets…

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  • Tuesday’s Dish: 1.16.18

    Tuesday’s Dish: 1.16.18

      I’m currently reading The Retreat by Kelly St. Clare, this series is looking to be an adventure! So far I love it! I’m only about half way through and this book has made my mouth water for chocolate cake! I had to find a recipe that involved coffee of course! Give it a read…

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  • Shopping for Snow-mageddon 2018

    Shopping for Snow-mageddon 2018

    If you live in Texas then you are aware that by Wednesday the state of Texas will no longer be on the map. For those of you in the Northern states, you are probably laughing at the freak out that is currently happening. What are your go to items for a snow storm? Books, Coffee…

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  • Shopping for the New Year!

    Shopping for the New Year!

    Happy New Year! The New Year always gives us a moment to reflect and readdress! Here are a few great items that will help reduce stress and get organized! The Simple Elephant Planner This planner is more of a personal goal tracker. It has many spots within it to track your progress on what you…

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  • Book Review – Murder on the Lake of Fire

    Book Review – Murder on the Lake of Fire

    We’re apart of the Book Tour, for all of the stops please visit Xpresso Book Tours. Rating: 5/5 Murder on the Lake of Fire ABOUT: At twenty-three and with a notorious case under his belt, Emory Rome has already garnered fame as a talented special agent for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. His career is…

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  • Book Review – Living the Good Death

    Book Review – Living the Good Death

    Rating: 4 / 5 Living the Good Death ABOUT: Wearing nothing but psych ward pajamas and fluffy slippers, the odd girl wasn’t really dressed to kill. Being the Grim Reaper, however, she felt confident she could make it work. Have you ever had one of those days? You know, the kind of day when things just don’t go your way.…

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  • Vocabulary List only a Reader would Love

    Vocabulary List only a Reader would Love

    Vocabulary is much more fun now that we’re adults right? I love discovering fun words in the reading / book community. There are so many lists out there, these are some of my favorites. Comment with yours! 1. Abibliophobia (a-‎ biblio-phobia) n. The fear of running out of reading material. 2. Bibliobibuli (bib- li- oh- bi-…

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  • 1st Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Month

    1st Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Month

    If you are a Book Blogger or an Author you’re going to love this post! Authors Ruby Rowe and Scarlet Wolfe are hosting their first ever Annual Blogger Appreciation Month! If you are a book blogger you know the time and care you put into every review, and post on your website. Showering Authors with…

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