If you’ve not read all the blog posts in this series here’s a quick overview and why you should. Join our mailing list to get a weekly email of our articles and never miss out again.

Health Benefits
- Coffee improves cognitive function
- Pre-ground coffee contains contaminates
- Coffee can reduce several health
- cardiovascular disease
- type 2 diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- uterine and liver cancer
- and others…
- Coffee can magnify the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.

Fresh Equals Flavor
- After 15 minutes ground coffee loses 60% of its aroma.
- Pre-ground coffee isn’t 100% coffee, and thus the subtle flavors are ruined by twigs, leaves, and other contaminates.
- Fresh ground coffee unlocks the oils in the bean.
- Coffee section at grocery store allows to you sample new coffee without buying a whole pound.
- One bean can tell you everything you need to know.

Variety is the Spice of Life
- Whole bean offers more variety than large scale pre-ground coffee.
- Independent Coffee roasters are changing the world of coffee.
- Roast levels:
- Light – Most unique flavors
- Medium – Middle of the road
- Dark – Most common
- Added Flavors are a don’t! It will ruin the coffee beans.

Morning Ritual
- Use coffee to enter Flow State (the zone)
- Creating a ritual around your coffee will force you to be mindful and unlock your creativity.
- Mindfulness + Caffeine =
Superhuman Focus (Flow State)
- Mental Resilience—stress will not affect you as much.
- Mental Clarity—your mind won’t wonder as much while you’re trying to think of solutions to your daily problems.
- Mental Strength—you’ll be able to focus on your daily tasks for longer stretches of time.

Save Money
- If you’re buying your coffee at a coffee shop on the way to work to save time, then this post is for you!
- You’ll save between $1.24 and $2.63 per cup.
- Read this post to see how you can save money, and get your morning cup of coffee in under 1 minute.
- We still recommend taking the time to create a morning ritual around coffee, but we understand if coffee is just a means to an end for you.
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