Check out the 2024 Indie Fantasy Book of the Year Finals!
Behind the Writing of Wings of War
Tell us about the background for the story, what inspired it or why you wanted to write this story.
The War of the Alliance series is a sequel to my Elven Alliance series. While I was writing the last few books in Elven Alliance, I realized there was an opportunity for a sequel series. There was a large thread that I could leave unresolved and set up the second series.
This sequel series allowed me to explore some of the consequences of the choices the characters made in Elven Alliance. Not to mention revisit favorite characters decades down the road.
On top of all of that, the sequel series gave me the chance to explore themes of father-son relationships that I hadn’t in the first series. It has been a lot of fun returning to the world and the characters, and I hope readers enjoy it!
Are any of your characters based on real people you know?
My brother was in the Army, and he has been reading over each of the books as I write them, helping with making the Army scenes as accurate as a fantasy world army can be (all mistakes left are mine). The PT in soap suds scene is based on a true story from his basic training.
What special knowledge or research was required to write this book?
While I grew up a bit of a military history geek (seriously, my family routinely quizzes each other on military history), I needed to learn quite a bit about WWI era aeroplanes and how to fly them. Even though Wings of War is fully fantasy, that’s the real world equivalent. I traveled to a local military plane museum, purchased a very helpful book to learn the parts of the aeroplane and basic history of development, and watched many Youtube videos of WWI aeroplanes flying. Because my fantasy aeroplanes are powered by magic, I also needed to research rotary electric engines. And, of course, I learned more about the ins and outs of the military than I had before!

Indie Author: Yes
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Publication Date: 04-26-2024
Steampunk Science Fiction
Military Fantasy
Page Count: 298 Pages
The blood of legends runs in his veins.
Born with his father’s legendary magic, half-elf Fieran Laesornysh longs to prove himself worthy of the elven heritage he carries.
With the Alliance Kingdoms and the power-hungry Mongavarian Empire teetering on the brink of war, Fieran seizes his chance to take to the skies and become a legend in his own right. He just has to curb his cheekiness and survive the rigors of basic training first.
With a band of fellow flying aces-in-training and a cute half-dwarf girl mechanic at his side, will Fieran complete his training before the long-dreaded war engulfs his homeland? Or will his incorrigible nature cause him to dishonor the legacy and name he bears?
This action-packed, epic steampunk fantasy series, filled with magical gadgets, elven warriors, and a hint of no spice romance, is perfect for fans of Lindsay Buroker and K.M. Shea.
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