Behind the Writing
Tell us about the background for the story, what inspired it or why you wanted to write this story.
I had a dream where I was in a two-seater fighter plane being chased by a dragon with only a mounted gun to defend myself. I wrote the scene to get it out of my head, but then I started imagining all the different ways magic would affect warfare.
Tell us about a theme within your work and why you wanted to highlighted in this book.
I wanted to focus on the different challenges that woman trying to serve their country faced when they didn’t fit into traditional roles, as well as the men who supported them against society’s expectations at that time.
Which scene, character or plotline changed the most from first draft to published book?
My mother was one of my beta readers, and she convinced me to save a character that I had originally killed in the first draft. She came prepared with a very good argument. As they say, Mother knows best!

What Readers Are Saying:
Characters: The best and worst thing about the main character Hattie is that she’s always going at 110%. When you add that to the fact she’s a witch from one of the world’s strongest covens, that makes her terrifying in the best way. I also love her squad because even though there are definitely some sexist remarks/attitudes, she find support from both her commanding officer and also the fellow American among them AKA Hammie
Plot: Seeing the author’s take on how World War I would’ve been altered was both interesting but terrifying. Like reading about the dogfight with a dragon on the back blurb is reallyyy different than reading about it. There were a lot of twists and turns that kept me coming back. (Some that I’m KICKING myself that I didn’t see coming because foreshadowing…) I really enjoyed the whole book, but there definitely came a point about half or three-fourths through where I tried to put the book down and be productive only to immediately pick it back up again! – Amazon Reviewer
Read Today!
Indie Author: Yes
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Publication Date: 06.10.24
The Witch’s March, Book 1
Military Fantasy
Alternative History
Page Count: 323 Pages
“Blood magic was created by evil incarnate, but it might be the Allied Forces’ only chance at winning the war to end all wars…”
Harriet “Hattie” Lange is daughter to one of the most powerful wizards in the world. He only allows his sons to learn wizardry, so Hattie was forced to Bind to Blood magic in secret. Luckily, the rarity of this forbidden art makes her that much more formidable on the battlefield. After working her way into the Occult, a secret unit of the Allied military that specializes in magic-based operations, Hattie travels with them through enemy territory in search of prisoners of war.
Their journey comes with its challenges, some coming from within the team itself. Her commanding field officer, Rowland Wright, is a member of her family’s rival coven, and her own brothers-in-arms constantly contest her right to be there. Still, they must join forces to cross no man’s lands, storm castles, and even dogfight with dragons.
Follow the Occult’s voyage across Europe as they try to save their countries’ magic-bearing soldiers before the Central Powers learn how to weaponize their abilities against them. The more blood sacrificed, the more powerful Hattie becomes, and at the heart of a war, there should be more than enough to spare…
The Occult Invasion is the bloodcurdling first book of the new trilogy, The Witch’s March.
About the Author
As a child, J.E. Brand’s family taught her the values of seeking adventure in both this world and fiction. She graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Finance and still has fun working in the business world as an Anti-Money Laundering Analyst. Whenever she can find the time, Brand gives into her love of traveling, hiking, and swimming.
More details about J.E. Brand’s latest books can be found on:
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