Check out the 2022 Indie Fantasy
Book of the Year Finals!

Behind the Writing of Guardian of the Crown

Is there meaning behind the title, or series name?

The series itself, Heir to the Crown, recounts the events surrounding the emergence of a kingdom as it becomes a powerful military force through fifteen main books. Each title in the series ends with ‘of the Crown’, with book eleven, Guardian, concerning three individuals who, collectively, take action to save their respective kingdoms, thus becoming, in effect, guardians.

Are any of your characters based on real people you know?

No. Well, not really, but sort of? The characters are based on a Fantasy Role Playing Game (RPG) I ran for nearly five years. Some of the main characters were originally created by the gamers who played in the campaign, and the series itself uses the framework of the events that took place in that game, but Guardian of the Crown is an entirely new plot.

Which of the side characters would you love to explore more, or turn into a main character in another series?

I make a regular habit of expanding on characters’ backgrounds in a side series entitled Mercerian Tales. In particular, Herdwin and Kasri (two Dwarves) have their own adventure in Mercerian Tales: Into the Forge, which takes place just before the events of Guardian of the Crown. Their story directly impacts a subplot in this book and sets up Enemy of the Crown, the next book in the series.

Indie Author: Yes
Kindle Unlimited: No
Publication Date: 10/27/22

Historical Fantasy
Sword & Sorcery

Page Count: 516 Pages


Victory is theirs, but are they safe?

With the dark host defeated, peace finally descends upon the war-weary land. Even as the fragile truce keeps conflict at bay, each kingdom must deal with rising tensions within its own borders.

An arranged marriage in the Clanholdings promises to bring an end to centuries of in-fighting, but only if ancient animosities can be set aside.

Opposition erupts against Alric as the Weldwyn earls gather to select their new king, threatening the shattered realm’s future.

After an untimely death in Merceria, a new claimant to an old title forces the queen to choose between friendship and the law of the land.

As hostilities increase on all fronts, a new danger emerges in the east. Can they look beyond their inner turmoil to realize the true threat, or are they sowing the seeds of their own destruction?

Follow the trail of mystery and suspense as Guardian of the Crown, the next book in Paul J Bennett’s Heir to the Crown series, leads you deeper into the world of Eiddenwerthe.

Don’t wait another day to discover whats’s in store for the Four Kingdoms.

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