Please use the below service panel to request a date for your book to be featured on the Caffeinated Fantasy or the Cozy Mystery Tribe book club and/or bingo card, road trip. 

$25 per date booked. (Fantasy & Romance Book Club: FREE)

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Book Club

Sign Up
How It Works
  1. Select Cozy Mystery Tribe Games or Caffeinated Fantasy Games or Caffeinated Romance Games.
  2. Select 2024 Book Club Application and select Book Now.
  3. Find the Month and Date you want to host.

1st = paranormal
15th = non-paranormal

View Past: 2022 2023 2024

Sign up on the waitlist below!

Fantasy & SciFi
I opened 12 dates on the
1st of each month.

View Past: 2024

January 1st
February 1st
March 1st
April 1st
May 1st
June 1st

July 1st
August 1st
September 1st
October 1st
November 1st
December 1st

Clean Romance
I opened 12 dates on the
1st of each month.

View Past: 2024

January 1st
February 1st
March 1st
April 1st
May (Email me)
June 1st

July 1st
August 1st
September 1st
October 1st
November 1st
December 1st

How It Works:

  • On the authors assigned free date, they will make their ebook FREE on at least Amazon US.
  • The Book Club Newsletter will send out an email to the subscribers with the Amazon link.
  • All 24 authors will remind their readers to sign up for the book club, instead of sharing Amazon link with provided marketing images.
  • On the authors assigned discussion date, they will host a book discussion at any time of their choosing. They have the full day to do as they chose with their time. Loose guidelines will be distributed.
  • The Book Club Newsletter will send out an email to the subscibers reminding them to attend the discussion.
  • All 24 authors will remind their readers to join the discussion, sharing the reader group link with provided marketing images.
  • Every quarter the authors that have had their assigned dates pass will receive a list of the subscribers for the current year.


  • Two emails featuring your book and where to find you around the internet sent to the book club subscribers.
  • Featured on our social media accounts throughout your books month.
  • Featured in the Book Deals email during your books month.
  • Featured on the Aconite Cafe website during the year, and in an evergreen post once the year ends.
  • Access to takeover the Reader Group during your discussion date to discuss your book and you.
  • Your book featured on that months game card.
  • Access to the Book Club subscriber list for the current year, quarterly, after your date has past.
  • Targeted Facebook ads to the Book Club throughout the year.


  • Your Book:
    • Must be a “first in series” book according to the Amazon series page & reading order.
    • Must fit the genre in appearance and tropes.
    • Must not have been in our previous years book club.
    • Must be marked as free on Amazon . com for your selected date.
    • Must not be apart of any other book club during the same calendar year.
    • Must be at least 4 stars on Amazon, and have a minimum of 70 pages. (around 10k words)
    • Prequals & Pre-orders are accepted on a case by case bases.
  • You Must:
    • Share the Book Club link, instead of the Amazon direct link when sharing the free book with your audience.
    • Heart, Comment & Share Facebook ad posts on as needed.
    • Share the book club with your audience throughout the year as you see fit.
    • Organize a book discussion about your featured book on the date required.

Road Trip – Cozy Mystery

Sign Up
How It Works
  1. Select Cozy Mystery Tribe Games
  2. Select the novel’s geographical location 2024 Road Trip Application.
  3. The day of the month = 1 spot on the card. The month will be decided as the card fills. 8 total spots per card.

West Central USA – 7 spots left
Central USA – 7 spots left
Europe Islands – 7 spots left

New England USA – 3 spots left
East Central USA – 7 spots left
West Coast USA – 7 spots left

Texas USA – 7 spots left
Europe – 8 spots left
Islands – 8 spots left
East Coast USA – 7 spots left

  • The Road Trip
    • 1 Geographical Map Per Month
      • Featuring:
        • 2 book club books as a bonus
        • 8 authors with a book taking place in the geographical area.
    • The road trip aspect of the post is for fun, to generate discussion in the reader group, getting readers excited to read the books in order of a road trip they could take.
  • Giveaway
    • Each quarter we will launch a giveaway that will list all 30 books as bonus entries so readers can gain more entries, the more they read.
    • January, February. March
    • April, May, June
    • July, August, September
    • October, November, December
  • Marketing
    • Each journey will get a blog post discussing / linking to each book on the map, plus linking to the author.
    • We will run facebook ads to each road trip separately, along with sharing widely on social media.
    • One newsletter a month on the Deals newsletter will feature the map.
    • We will also post a youtube video featuring the map of books for the month.
    • Authors will have access to media created.


  • Your book will be featured in:
    • the Book Deals newsletter
    • an evergreen blog post
    • the Road Trip YouTube video
  • Plus:
    • Targeted Facebook ads to the Trip.
    • Featured as a bonus entry in giveaway.


  • Your Book:
    • Must fit the genre in appearance, tropes and geographical location.
    • Does not have to met pricing or page count requirements.
    • Be a single book, no boxsets / anthologies.
    • Must be rated 4 stars or higher.
  • Additionally:
    • Authors can have 1 title per Trip.
    • A Book can only be on 1 Trip per year.
    • 8 slots available per Trip.
  • You Must:
    • Provide a 500 word write up on a place that a reader could visit in the geographical location that you picked.
    • Share the link provided with your audience at least once.
    • Heart, Comment & Share Facebook posts as needed.

Bingo Cards

Sign Up
How It Works
Expanded Explanation

Fantasy SciFi Bingo Closed

  • The Caffeinated Fantasy Bingo is closed, we will open sign ups for 2024 in the Fall.


  • Your book will be featured in:
    • the Book Deals newsletter
    • an evergreen blog post
    • the Bingo YouTube video
  • Plus:
    • Targeted Facebook ads to the Bingo card.
    • Featured as a bonus entry in giveaway.


  • Your Book:
    • Must fit the genre in appearance and tropes.
    • There are no pricing or page count requirements.
    • Be a single book, no boxsets / anthologies.
  • You Must:
    • Share the Bingo link with your audience at least once.
    • Heart, Comment & Share Facebook posts as needed.
  • Additionally:
    • Authors can have 1 title per card.
    • A Book can only be on 1 card per year.
    • 6 slots available per card.
  • Bingo Cards
    • 1 Bingo Card Per Month
      • Featuring:
        • 2 book club books
        • 1 free spot
        • 6 authors from the form below
    • The bingo aspect of the card is for fun, to generate a small competition type chatter in the reader group, getting readers excited to read the books on the card.
  • Giveaway
    • Each quarter we will launch a giveaway that will list all 24 books as bonus entries so readers can gain more entries, the more they read. With a bonus entry for getting bingos/blackouts per month.
    • January, February. March
    • April, May, June
    • July, August, September
    • October, November, December
  • Marketing
    • Each card will get a blog post discussing / linking to each book on the card, plus linking to the author.
    • We will run facebook ads to each card separately, along with sharing widely on social media.
    • One newsletter a month on the Deals newsletter will feature the bingo card.
    • We will also post a youtube video featuring the bingo card books for the month.
    • Authors will have access to media created.
  • Requirements
    • To get on the bingo card, your book must fit the genre it’s applying for. There are no page count requirements, or series position requirements.
    • No boxsets. Just single stories please.
    • There are no pricing requirements, or platform requirements. It can be a reader magnet.
    • You must be willing to share the card with your audience at least once during your month.
    • Plus comment / heart / share the ad.
    • Authors can only have 1 book per card, and a book can only be on 1 card per year.


Leave a Testimonial
